a reminder to step back into your power.

we all fall off. it’s a natural part of life. obstacles appear seemingly out of nowhere. bad relationships with people make us temporarily forget who we are. fear creates disillusions about our paths. our insecurities keep us from exploring our dreams. one bad day turns into one wasted week, month, or year.

we forget who we are. we forget what we want. we forget our goals. we forget to breathe. this is a post and a reminder to challenge you to step back into your power.

while i don’t believe that everyone deserves the things that they dream about, i do believe people deserve the things that they are working towards…so here is a message to become the person of your fantasies through an established work ethic and life plan!

i daydream a lot. i think about the future a lot. i write down affirmations as reminders. i write down my goals as road maps. i ask different friends to hold me accountable for different things, and i work on my projects in silence. i know i am not working hard enough because if i was, i would be pouring more into myself than i do others. but i am learning. as i learn, i also challenge you to use this week, this month, this year, this LIFE, to pour more into yourself than others.

i don’t know what it is about me but i become manic about my creative endeavors after trauma or a depressive episode. this is the year i dead that. i want to always be creating and flowing through my writing. i want to be inspired by more than sadness and the notion of proving people wrong. the only person that i should be trying to prove anything to is myself.

the thing about life and time is that it is moving even when you feel frozen. people are always working when you are not. whether or not you believe it, someone wants to see what you’re working on so…get to it. and don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to take time to yourself…to recollect, to heal, to be healthy, but don’t lose yourself in the struggle. here is a reminder to find that thing that makes you happy and work through the pain. use what you’re going through to inspire you.

i know it is easier said than done but “somebody took the same situation you were in and bodied it.”

Mame Kane