things i'm working on this month

  • letting people go (this is a monthly goal for me because i haven’t mastered it) i get bored often and find myself slipping back into old relationships with people that no longer serve me.

  • no longer giving energy to the past. i’m learning that when you (constantly) talk about memories that have hurt you, you are reliving them and giving them energy. when you let those memories pass without continuous reliving them, you can finally make peace with them.

  • saying no more. “no, i don’t want to come. no, that doesn’t serve me. no, i don’t want to be around those people.” saying no allows me to assert boundaries and to teach people how to treat me.

  • removing myself from places i don’t want to be. i’m not missing out on anything that is meant for me.

  • honoring the promises that i make to myself. i don’t like people who cannot stick to their word so why do i give myself a break every time i betray myself?

  • acknowledging that at my big age, i am in control of my life. i am in control of the people i allow near me. i am in control of the things that i choose to accomplish. i am in control of how i let my circumstances affect me and so on…

  • accepting that throwing myself a pity party about the things that i believe should happen to me will not make them happen any quicker.

Mame Kane